CoggieTM (Kari) from the High Fiber Diet Podcast tagged me on her blog!Here are my answers...
1- What’s your staple meal (ie. what meal do you cook most often when you can’t be bothered to be adventurous) ? Anything with chicken: beer butt chicken/chicken & rice/teriyaki chicken burger (having those tonight)....James is the chef in the family! He's an awesome cook!
2- What do you want to be when you grow up? "When I grow up I wanna be an old woman..."; gotta love the Kaiser commercial....seriously though I am what I want to be, a mom/wife; the best, most rewarding thing ever! Maybe will resume my therapy practice one day because I love doing that too!
3- What book are you reading at the moment (if any)....I'm reading all the Hardy Boys books Jimmy has read and just started reading Eclipse again in preparation for the movie next week. Also reading a lot of knitting technique books for the tkga program.
4- How do you relax? Relax, what's that? I spin/knit/crochet/read/bubble baths...super stressed I unload onto James!:) Poor guy I'm always bending his ears!
5- What color are the interior walls of your home? Workout room is poppy orange/dining room is forest green/kitchen is sunflower yellow/ pecan throughout/bedroom is sage green/ school room is ocean blue/laundry room is country blue, light blue
6- What is your guiltiest pleasure? I don't think I have one...maybe knit meetings? Pot of tea and knitting in the morning for 1/2 an hour...
7- What time is bedtime and getting up time? Bedtime is 10:00pm or sometimes sooner....getting up time is between 5-6am, usually before the sunrises...hence the name, Dawn!:) Love mornings!
8- How long do you spend reading blogs (per day or per week)? approximately 1/2 an hour every morning....gotta keep up with all my bloggy buddies!:)
My selections for the next round of "tagging"are: