Stylish Blogger Award!
My wonderful friend, Rhoda, gave me this awesome, Stylish blogger Award! Thank you so much sweetie!:) Rules of award: 1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link to them. 2. Share 7 things about yourself. 3. Award it 7-15 others. Seven things about me: 1. I love you'd never guess that huh?!:) 2. I'm an only child. 3. I love to workout! 4. Got asked for my id at Walmart yesterday because I was buying beer! 5. Love Nick & Nora flannel pjs from Target...only these kind. 6. I do laundry every other day. 7. Lots of allergies (foods,meds,etc.) I award this to: Courtney, Nichole, Chan, Dawn, Neckio30, Sue, Bubblesknits, Cat, Ariel, Jen, Julie...
Aww... thanks! :)
Thank you! And I just discovered Target's sleepwear section. It's long past flannel weather here, but for the fall...
what a compliment to still get carded!
You definitely deserve blog awards Dawn! I have totally fallen off the wagon with mine but you're still keeping us updated and I appreciate that because I know how busy you are!
Awww...thanks! : ) I love the Nick and Nora sleepwear, too.
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