Been working on my Mr. Greenjeans sweater again! This is done in the Malabrigo worsted and in the hummingbird it! The button is from my lys...its made out of glass and matches the green in the sweater fabulously! Hoping they will carry more of these gorgeous buttons! Going to be doing the Hemlock blanket for the the Barknknit KAL so this will probably be put to the side again....Couple more days to get your blankets in for the contest!
I'll probably never knit a sweater so it's nice to watch someone else do it! LOL! Can't wait to see it done!
I just love that!!! It is soooo pretty. I need you to send me your address again so I can mail the blankets tomorrow ;-)
Preeetty! Oh, and my blanket is headed your way!
Love that sweater. I've wanted to knit that one for a long time...why is there so much to knit and so little time. LOVE to find another PoG fan. =0)
Very pretty. I really like that colorway.
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