Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit!

After the memorial service last a nice, hot, bubble bath to relax. Ordered Pizza Hut...sat down to relax and knit and started looking at the Valentine sock. Well.......I also looked at the skein....this didn't look enough for two socks! Sooooo I ripped out almost all they way back...just going to have 6 repeats of the pattern part. Ugh! I was working on the foot part of it too...but didn't want to have just one sock when I got done. So frustrating! I have not been having good luck with socks!! I need to get a kitchen scale to weigh it as I wind it!

Nascar racing starts today...whoohoo!


Unknown said...

I'm sorry you had to rip back. But maybe that nice bath took the edge off.

Dawn said...

Wasn't that from a kit? Seems like it should've been enough? hmmmmm

Well, shorter socks work too. :)