What am I?
Do you know what kind of flower this is?
Last year in this tree there were just the straight, spiky leaves...
This year they have these buds on them and opened up into these flowers...
I looked at all different kinds of flowers, thought it was an iris but I actually planted iris bulbs and this is what they look like...
This is the iris I planted...the leaves are also really thin and cylindrical ( oooh big word too much geometry with Jimmy ) and not straight or spiky like the other. The other one has a thick, bumpy yellow thingy too? Pretty...but strange!
It looks like a Bearded Iris to me. :=)
I agree, I have bearded irises in my yard. I call them lady part flowers. look at it again and you will see why.
I don't know what it is, but it sure is pretty!
For sure an Iris, jsut a different kind that the one's you planted. There are many, many varities of them.(Evilknittingtwin)
Looks like a two headed Iris LOL :-)
What everyone else said. http://www.google.com/images?client=safari&rls=en-us&q=BEARDED+IRIS&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=vJHXS7noO5SssgOj-qGdBg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQsAQwAA
Those are the iris I have in my yard.
Thanks a bunch guys, bearded iris it is!...still laughing over's Coggie's!!:)
Pretty Iris!
Glad you got an answer of bearded iris. I could also add it is one of my mother's favorites - that particular color even.
I knew if I waited someone would know! LOL! I had no idea but it sure is pretty!
i thought it was an iris too!
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