Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sick Boy!

Well, starting off the school year great...Jimmy's sick! Stuffy, runny nose, and bad sore throat! You know they feel bad when all they want to do is lay down. No computer or tv just lay down. Poor kid was still willing to try and do school but told him to just rest. Fuji took care of him and layed by him all day...such a sweet puppy! I got a lot of paperwork/bills/minutes done though. We'll see how he's feeling today when he wakes up. He asked last night if he could go to the doctor today. Poor kiddo! Of course I'll be getting it soon....

Knitting another doing these plus they'll make lovely Christmas gifts. Getting in the mood to tackle another pair of socks though.


Peggy said...

Hey Dawner, Could I possibly get a couple of those cloths done for a friend in Denmark and one in England??? I will pay you and buy the yarn.

jo said...

Take your Vitamin C now so you can build up the strength to fight that cold before it gets to you!

stay healthy lady ;)